Edit in JSFiddle

<ul id='messages'></ul>
<form id='create-message' action=''>
    <input type="text" id="body" placeholder="type message here ..."/>

<script id="messageEJS" type="text/ejs">
<% this.forEach(function(message){ %>
    <li><%= message.body %></li>
<% }) %>
<script src='http://agile-everglades-1937.herokuapp.com/socket.io/socket.io.js'></script>
var myServerUrl = "http://agile-everglades-1937.herokuapp.com";

// define our message model
var Message = can.Model({
    findAll : 'GET ' + myServerUrl + '/messages',
    // create a message, but prevent the 'created' event from firing
    create : function(attrs) {
        $.post(myServerUrl + '/messages', attrs)
        return $.Deferred()

// connect using Socket.io
var socket = io.connect(myServerUrl)

// listen for 'message-created' event to create a Message instance
// Note: the 'created' event IS triggered on this model instance. 
socket.on('message-created', function(message){
	new Message(message).created()

// initially find all messages from the server and append them to the DOM
  $("#messages").html( can.view('messageEJS', messages) )

// listen for the 'created' event on the Model 
// append the message to the DOM using a template
Message.bind("created", function(ev, message){
    var messagesCont = $("#messages"),
        shouldScroll = ( messagesCont.scrollTop() + messagesCont[0].clientHeight 
        === messagesCont[0].scrollHeight )
    messagesCont.append( can.view('messageEJS', [message]) )
    if (shouldScroll) {

// listen for the form to submit 
// create a message and post the results to the server
	new Message({body: $("#body").val()}).save()

var scrollToBottom = function() {