Edit in JSFiddle

var f = function(arg) {
    if (arg != null) {
    } else if (arg == undefined) {
    else {

// classes
// as convention use Person instead of person to denote a class. This function returns an object which has name, age and created properties.
function Person(name, age){
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.created = new Date();
    this.dowork = function(arg){f(arg);};
    //private member is declared by using the var keyword
    var _pvtMember = "something private";
    Object.defineProperty(this, "propMember", {
        get: function() {return _pvtMember;},
        set: function(value) {_pvtMember = value;}    
    //defining a static member
    Person.staticMember = "static Member";
    Person.staticFunc = function(){f(this.name);};
    //Prototype object - every js 'type' is associated with a prototype object. the prototype is just an object to which properties can be added. all instances of a 'type' can share the properties or functions of prototype. In case of static, instances can not access the static properties or functions.
    //sharing data amongst instances
    Person.prototype.sharedProp = "shared prop";
    //sharing functions amongst instances
    Person.prototype.sharedFunc = function(){f(this.name);};
var personInst = new Person("Roger Federer", 32);
f(personInst.name + " " + personInst.age + " " + personInst.created);
f(personInst._pvtMember); //unable to access this as its private
f(personInst.propMember); //able to access this property
personInst.propMember = "something else"; //using the setter property
f(personInst.staticMember);//person instance cant access because its static
f(Person.staticMember);//works because its accessed via the class Person instead of instance person
Person.staticFunc(); //outputs Person
personInst.sharedFunc(); //outputs name of instance. difference between sharedFunc and doWork is that doWork is an instance method i.e every instance will have its own copy. But sharedFunc since its defined on the prototype, is shared across all instances. Difference between sharedFunc and staticFunc is that sharedFunc can be called by instance hence 'this' can access instance properties while staticFunc cannot access the instance.