Edit in JSFiddle

<div id="slides">
  <div class="slide">
    <h2>Lorem Ipsum </h2> 
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vulputate, lorem nec rhoncus egestas, sapien leo fringilla lacus, in eleifend justo magna eget dui.</p> 
<li>Maecenas varius diam quis turpis egestas molestie. Sed ultrices venenatis leo, at laoreet nibh volutpat a. Curabitur porttitor rutrum magna, sed condimentum turpis rhoncus imperdiet.</li>
<li>Quisque sem ante, facilisis et laoreet a, convallis et arcu. Ut quis lectus eget quam blandit varius.</li>

  <div class="slide">
      <h2>Slide 2</h2>
<code class="language-javascript">
// Define our Function
function checkMeaningOfLife ( decimal, success ) {
    if ( parseInt(decimal,10) === 42 ) {
// Define our Variables
var str = 'The meaning of life is true',
    decimal = 42.00;
// Fire our Function
  <div class="slide">
    <h2>Lorem Ipsum </h2> 
          <p>Ut non lorem mi. Nunc auctor, ante vel blandit scelerisque, risus enim dictum nisl, ullamcorper fringilla quam eros vel mi.</p> 
<li>Maecenas varius diam quis turpis egestas molestie. Sed ultrices venenatis leo, at laoreet nibh volutpat a. Curabitur porttitor rutrum magna, sed condimentum turpis rhoncus imperdiet.</li>
<li>Fusce sed odio in mi dapibus lacinia. Suspendisse mi elit, ullamcorper ac convallis et, pulvinar at elit.</li>


<script src="http://www.viget.com/uploads/file/jquery-presentation/scripts/jquery.presentation.js"></script>

<script src="http://github.com/balupton/jquery-syntaxhighlighter/raw/master/scripts/jquery.syntaxhighlighter.min.js"></script>

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