Edit in JSFiddle

  .directive('respDiv', function ($window) 
      return {
          // replace the element with the template below
          replace: true,
          // uses ng-include to bind the contents to the
          // breakpoints
          template: '<div ng-include="template"></div>',
          // new isolate scope
          scope: {},
          link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) 
              // we'll use this function to determine which
              // breakpoint we are currently within
              function checkBreaks(width){
                  // start with window width so we have
                  // a default value, if it is not within
                  // a breakpoint
                  var curBreak = $window.innerWidth;
                  // start with the default template
                  var template = attrs.respDiv;
                  // are we withing the small breakpoint?
                  if(attrs.smallbreak && width < attrs.smallbreak){
                      curBreak = attrs.smallbreak;
                      template = attrs.smalltemplate;
                  // are we within the medium breakpoint?
                  else if(attrs.medbreak && width < attrs.medbreak){
                      curBreak = attrs.medbreak;
                      template = attrs.medtemplate
                  // check if update necessary (i.e. break dif)
                  if(curBreak != scope.break){
                      scope.break = curBreak;
                      // this is the real key, we change the
                      // value of the template, which the 
                      // ng-include directive used in this
                      // component's template will use to
                      // fetch it's contents
                      scope.template = template;
              // check initial size
              // TODO: could not figure out how to bind to the 
              // element's resize events, so using window for now...
              $window.onresize = function() 
                  // since we're inside a DOM event, we need to use
                  // $apply to re-enter Angular world