Edit in JSFiddle

// This work by Sébastien Brodeur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// By : Sebastien Brodeur ([email protected])

// Fire when the user submit the survey.
_kiq.push(['eventHandler', 'submit', function(){ 

  // Make sure Google Analytics is available.
  var _gaq = _gaq || [];  

    // Retrieve KISSIsights survey ID.
  surveyId = $("[src*='kissinsights.com']").attr("src").match(new RegExp("(id=)(.*)&"))[2];
  // For each survey questions...
  for (i = 0; i < $("[class*='ki_question']").length; i++) {
    // ... get the question text...
    question = $("[class*='ki_h1']:eq("+i+")").text();
    // ... and the selected anwser text
    // Check first for radio button answer.
    anwser = $("[class*='ki_question']:eq("+i+") input:checked[type='radio']").closest("label").text();
    if (anwser == "" || anwser == null || anwser == undefined) {
      // Then for checkbox answer
      anwser = $("[class*='ki_question']:eq("+i+") input:checked[type='checkbox']").closest("label").text();
    if (anwser == "" || anwser == null || anwser == undefined) {
      // Then for textbox answer
      anwser = $("[class*='ki_question']:eq("+i+") textarea").val();
    if (anwser == "" || anwser == null || anwser == undefined) {
      // And finaly, score
      anwser = $("[class*='ki_question']:eq("+i+") [class*='active'] a").text();
    // If both data are available, queue a Google Analytics _trackEvent tag.
    if (question && anwser) _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'VOC', surveyId, question +' | ' + anwser]);
