Edit in JSFiddle

 /*-----------------------Start user-defined code ---------------------*/

    let sim;
		var a = 0.05
		var e = 0.005
		var b = 4.5
		var dt = 3
		var disruption = 0.3
    function cacatoo() {

        let config = {
            title: "Fitzhugh Nagumo PDE",
            description: "Disrupt action potential with button / drawing with the mouse",
            maxtime: 1000000,
            ncol: 200,
            nrow: 128,		            // dimensions of the grid to build
            wrap: [false, false],         // Wrap boundary [COLS, ROWS]   
            scale: 2,				    // scale of the grid (nxn pixels per grid cell
						graph_interval: 5,
            graph_update: 25

        sim = new Simulation(config)


        sim.Fitz.colourGradient('V', 100, [255, 255, 255], [0, 0, 255])                         // Will contain the ODEs, and show the abundance of PREDATORS
				sim.Fitz.colourGradient('W', 100, [255, 255, 255], [255, 0, 0])                         // Will contain the ODEs, and show the abundance of PREDATORS
        sim.createDisplay_continuous({model:"Fitz", property:"V", label:"Action potential", minval:0, maxval:1, decimals:3, nticks:3})        
        sim.createDisplay_continuous({model:"Fitz", property:"W", label:"Refractory tissue", minval:0, maxval:0.3, decimals:3, nticks:3}) 
				sim.reset = function(all=true){
				for (let i = 0; i < sim.Fitz.nc; i++)
						for (let j = 0; j < sim.Fitz.nr; j++)
								sim.Fitz.grid[i][j].V = i == 0 ? 1 : 0.0
								sim.Fitz.grid[i][j].W = 0.0
								if(i==0) sim.Fitz.grid[i][j].V = 1

        sim.Fitz.nextState = function (i, j)       // Define the next-state function. 
            let V = this.grid[i][j].V
						let W = this.grid[i][j].W
						this.grid[i][j].V += dt*( -V*(V-a)*(V-1) - W )						
						this.grid[i][j].W += dt*( e*(V-b*W) )		
						if(this.grid[i][j].V < 0.001) this.grid[i][j].V = 0

        sim.Fitz.update = function () { 
					//if(sim.time==100) sim.Fitz.wrap=[true,false]
					if(sim.time%300==0) sim.reset(false)
					if(sim.time>0 && sim.time%sim.config.graph_update*10==0) {
					  let g = sim.Fitz.graphs['Average ation potential at right-hand side']
						let dat = g.data.slice(-sim.config.graph_update*10)
						g.data = dat
										'file': this.data
					let sumV=0
					//for(let i=0; i<sim.Fitz.nc; i++){
						for(let j=0; j<sim.Fitz.nr; j++){
							sumV += this.grid[sim.Fitz.nc-1][j].V
                "Average ation potential at right-hand side")
				/* sim.addButton("pause", function () { sim.toggle_play() })*/
				sim.addButton("disrupt", function () {				
						for (let i = 0; i < sim.Fitz.nc; i++){
						for (let j = 0; j < sim.Fitz.nr; j++){
							if(sim.rng.random()<disruption) sim.Fitz.grid[i][j].V = 0 
				sim.addButton("CLEAR!", function () {				
						for (let i = 0; i < sim.Fitz.nc; i++){
						for (let j = 0; j < sim.Fitz.nr; j++){
							sim.Fitz.grid[i][j].V = 1 
				sim.addButton("reset", function () { sim.reset() }) 
				sim.addStatebrush("Fitz","V", 0.0, 40)
				/* sim.display()
				sim.toggle_play() */


    /*-------------------------End user-defined code ---------------------*/