Edit in JSFiddle

var typewrite = function(str) {
    var p, nChar, strStyle, d = 2;
    var arrP = document.querySelectorAll(str);
    var style = document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement("style"));
    for (var i = 0; i < arrP.length; i++)
        p = arrP[i];                        
        p.className += " typewrite ";                        
        nChar = p.textContent.length;
        // 1
        // set @keyframes using CSSOM: "from" and "to" derived from <p> offsetWidth                        
        var rule = p.id + "_typing {from {width: 0} to {width: " + p.offsetWidth + "px}}";
        if (CSSRule.KEYFRAMES_RULE) // W3C
            style.sheet.insertRule("@keyframes " + rule, 0);
        else if (CSSRule.WEBKIT_KEYFRAMES_RULE) // WebKit
            style.sheet.insertRule("@-webkit-keyframes " + rule, 0);
        else if (CSSRule.MOZ_KEYFRAMES_RULE) // Moz
            style.sheet.insertRule("@-moz-keyframes " + rule, 0);
        // 2
        // define animation end
        rule = "{width: auto;}";
        style.sheet.insertRule("#" + p.id + ".end" + rule, 0);
        // 3
        // set animation: steps # is derived from text length inside <p>                            
        strStyle = p.id + "_typing " + d + "s steps(" + nChar + ", end) " + i * d + "s"; 
        p.style["animation"] = strStyle;
        p.style["-webkit-animation"] = strStyle;
        p.style["MozAnimation"] = strStyle;
        p.style["-ms-animation"] = strStyle;

        // 4
        // start animation
        p.className += " startTypewrite ";

        // 5
        // animation event handlers
        p.addEventListener("animationend", typewrite_cb, false);
        p.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", typewrite_cb, false);

// 6 
// callback function: set .end class on <p>
var typewrite_cb = function(e) {
        e.target.className += " end ";

// 7
// start typing animation
typewrite("#text1, #text2, #text3");
    <li><p id="text1">Text one...</p></li>
    <li><p id="text2">Text two...</p></li>
    <li><p id="text3">Text three...</p></li>
body {
    font-family: Consolas, monospace; 
    font-size: 1.2em;
ul {
    list-style: none;
p.typewrite {
    display: inline-block; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    overflow: hidden;
p.startTypewrite {
    width: 0;