Edit in JSFiddle

var app = angular.module('GreetingApp',[]);

// Define a constant
app.constant('constantGreeting', 'Hello');

// Define a provider
app.provider('Greeting', function() {
  this.setName = function(name) {
      this.name = name;
  this.setConstant = function(constant) {
      this.constant = constant;
  this.$get = function() {
    var self = this;
    return {
        getGreeting: function() {
            return self.constant + self.name + "!";

// Configure the provider with the constant
app.config(function(GreetingProvider, constantGreeting){
  GreetingProvider.setName(' Provider');

// Define a value
app.value('exclamation', '!');

// Define a factory that uses the constant and value
app.factory('GreetingFactory', function(constantGreeting, exclamation) {
  var greeting = constantGreeting + " Factory" + exclamation;
  return {
    getGreeting: function() {
       return greeting;

// Define a service that uses the constant and value
app.service('GreetingService', function(constantGreeting, exclamation) {
  var greeting = constantGreeting + " Service" + exclamation;
  this.getGreeting = function() {
    return greeting;

// Controller injected with factory, service and provider
app.controller('GreetingController', function($scope, GreetingFactory, GreetingService, Greeting) {
  $scope.factoryGreeting = GreetingFactory.getGreeting();
  $scope.serviceGreeting = GreetingService.getGreeting();
  $scope.providerGreeting = Greeting.getGreeting();
<body ng-app="GreetingApp">
  <div ng-controller="GreetingController">
    <div>{{ factoryGreeting }}</div>
    <div>{{ serviceGreeting }}</div>
    <div>{{ providerGreeting }}</div>