Edit in JSFiddle

// How to move images around the screen using TweenJS

// Add support to EaselJS to control the speed the image moves across the canvas.
// Pixels per second the object will move along the x and y axis
DisplayObject.prototype.setPPS = function(x, y) {
    this.vX = Math.round(x / Ticker.getFPS());
    this.vY = Math.round(y / Ticker.getFPS());
    this.ppmsX = x / 1000;
    this.ppmsY = y / 1000;

// Calculate the time in milliseconds required to move from the current
// position to the specified point using the assigned velocity (pixels/second)    
DisplayObject.prototype.travelTime = function(x, y) {
    var distX = Math.abs(x - this.x);
    var distY = Math.abs(y - this.y);
    var duration = Math.max(distX / this.ppmsX, distY / this.ppmsY);
    return duration;

// Create EaselJS Stage with canvas
var stage = new Stage($('canvas')[0]);

// Create the sprite sheet
var spritesheet = new SpriteSheet({
    images: ['https://s3.amazonaws.com/dxparker/blog/zolo/walking.png'],
    frames: {width: 200, height: 200},
    animations: {   
        stand_right: 0,
        walk_right: [0, 3, /*loop*/ true], // 4 frame walking sequence
        stand_left: 4,
        walk_left: [4, 7, true]

// Create the bitmap animation from the spritesheet
// Add properties for width, height, and direction (these are not in Easel)
// and specify the travel velocity in pixels per second.
var player = new BitmapAnimation(spritesheet);
player.width = 200;
player.height = 200;
player.direction = 'right';
player.setPPS(175, 125);
player.gotoAndStop('stand_' + player.direction);

// Add click listener to trigger animation
stage.onMouseDown = function(event) {
    // Where is the player going?
    var destination = {
        x: event.stageX - (player.width / 2),
        y: event.stageY - (player.height / 2)
    // How long should it take?
    var duration = player.travelTime(destination.x, destination.y);
    // Which way should the player face?
    player.direction = 
        event.stageX < player.x + (player.width / 2) ? 'left' : 'right';
    // Start the animation, this doesn't change the bitmaps location
    // on the screen, it just cycles through the images in place
    player.gotoAndPlay('walk_' + player.direction);
    // Move the player across the screen
    Tween.get(player, {override: true})
        .to(destination, duration)
        // Manage what happens when the player reaches the destination
        .call(function() { player.gotoAndStop('stand_' + player.direction); });

// Display container on screen

// Set the stage refresh rate
// IMPORTANT: Remember to register the stage with the Ticker
// or you'll be staring at an empty canvas
easeljs, tweenjs, and jquery scripts have been included
using the framework and resources options of jsfiddle

<canvas width="550" height="250"></canvas>

<p>Click on the canvas to move the player around the screen.</p>
canvas { 
    background-color: #ccd; 
    margin-bottom: 10px;
body { 
    font: normal normal 14px Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif; 

External resources loaded into this fiddle: