Edit in JSFiddle

 *  I've changed the syntax a little from the blog post.
 *  For full details, see the post itself:
 *  http://sk80.co.uk/2016/08/template-engine-code/
 *  util.js:
 *  https://github.com/Skateside/template/blob/master/util.js
 *  template.js:
 *  https://github.com/Skateside/template/blob/master/template.js

var string = [
        "${#if responses.length}",
            "${#each responses as response}",
            "${#end each}",
        "${#end if}",
        "${#if !responses.length}",
            "<li><em>No responses</em></li>",
        "${#end if}",

var data = {
    responses: [
        {name: "Alpha"},
        {name: "Bravo"},
        {name: "Charlie"}

// Render the template:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {

    var myTemplate = template(string);

    document.body.innerHTML += myTemplate.render(data);

<p>The template will be render below here:</p>