Edit in JSFiddle

   1. When you add variable to the function using this keyword, it 
      gets added to the fuction prototype, thus allowing all function 
      instances to have their own copy of the variables added.
function functionDef()
    this.name = "ObjDefinition";
    this.getName = function(){                
        return this+":"+this.name;

obj1 = new functionDef();
document.write(obj1.getName() + "<br />"); //[object Object]:ObjDefinition   

   2. Members explicitly added to the function protorype also behave 
      as above: all function instances have their own copy of the 
      variable added.
functionDef.prototype.version = 1;
functionDef.prototype.getVersion = function(){
    return "v"+this.version; //see how this.version refers to the
                             //version variable added through 
document.write(obj1.getVersion() + "<br />"); //v1

   3. Illustrating that the function variables added by both above 
      ways have their own copies across function instances
functionDef.prototype.incrementVersion = function(){
    this.version = this.version + 1;
var obj2 = new functionDef();
document.write(obj2.getVersion() + "<br />"); //v1

obj2.incrementVersion();      //incrementing version in obj2
                              //does not affect obj1 version

document.write(obj2.getVersion() + "<br />"); //v2
document.write(obj1.getVersion() + "<br />"); //v1

   4. `this` keyword refers to the immediate parent object. If you 
       nest the object through function prototype, then `this` inside 
       object refers to the nested object not the function instance
functionDef.prototype.nestedObj = { name: 'nestedObj', 
                                    getName1 : function(){
                                        return this+":"+this.name;

document.write(obj2.nestedObj.getName1() + "<br />"); //[object Object]:nestedObj

   5. If the method is on an object's prototype chain, `this` refers 
      to the object the method was called on, as if the method was on 
      the object.
var ProtoObj = { fun: function () { return this.a } };
var obj3 = Object.create(ProtoObj); //creating an object setting ProtoObj
                                    //as its prototype
obj3.a = 999;                       //adding instance member to obj3
document.write(obj3.fun()+"<br />");//999
                                    //calling obj3.fun() makes 
                                    //ProtoObj.fun() to access obj3.a as 
                                    //if fun() is defined on obj3