Edit in JSFiddle

var myApp = angular.module( 'myApp', [] );

myApp.controller( 'MyCtrl', [ '$scope', function ( $scope ) {
    $scope.myModel = { foo: 'Boop', bar: 'Beep' };
    $scope.myModelCopy = angular.copy( $scope.myModel );

myApp.directive( 'resetDirective', [ '$parse', function ( $parse ) {
    return function( scope, element, attr ) {
        var fn = $parse( attr.resetDirective );
        var masterModel = angular.copy( fn( scope ) );

        // Error check to see if expression returned a model
        if ( !fn.assign ) {
            throw Error( 'Expression is required to be a model: ' + attr.resetDirective );

        element.bind( 'reset', function ( event ) {
            scope.$apply( function () {
                fn.assign( scope, angular.copy( masterModel ) );

            // TODO: memoize prevention method
            if ( event.preventDefault ) {
                return event.preventDefault();
            else {
                return false;