Edit in JSFiddle

<div class="icon-wrapper">
  Let the bird be the same color as me
  <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
    <path class="icon" d="M1024 226.4c-37.6 16.8-78.2 28-120.6 33 43.4-26 76.6-67.2 92.4-116.2-40.6 24-85.6 41.6-133.4 51-38.4-40.8-93-66.2-153.4-66.2-116 0-210 94-210 210 0 16.4 1.8 32.4 5.4 47.8-174.6-8.8-329.4-92.4-433-219.6-18 31-28.4 67.2-28.4 105.6 0 72.8 37 137.2 93.4 174.8-34.4-1-66.8-10.6-95.2-26.2 0 0.8 0 1.8 0 2.6 0 101.8 72.4 186.8 168.6 206-17.6 4.8-36.2 7.4-55.4 7.4-13.6 0-26.6-1.4-39.6-3.8 26.8 83.4 104.4 144.2 196.2 146-72 56.4-162.4 90-261 90-17 0-33.6-1-50.2-3 93.2 59.8 203.6 94.4 322.2 94.4 386.4 0 597.8-320.2 597.8-597.8 0-9.2-0.2-18.2-0.6-27.2 41-29.4 76.6-66.4 104.8-108.6z"></path>
.icon-wrapper {
  color: #1da1f2;

.icon-wrapper .icon {
  fill: currentColor;