Edit in JSFiddle

# Anchor by Vjeux
String::contains = (str) -> -1 isnt this.indexOf str

anchor = (elem) ->
    # Parse the string
    [point, relativeTo, relativePoint, x, y] = ($(elem).data 'anchor').split ','

    $relativeTo = $ relativeTo
    $elem = $ elem

    weigth = (source, def, data) ->
        for key, val of data
            if source.contains key
                return val
        return def
    # Calculate the new position
    offset = $relativeTo.offset()

    offset.left += $relativeTo.width() * weigth relativePoint, 0.5, left: 0, right: 1
    offset.top += $relativeTo.height() * weigth relativePoint, 0.5, top: 0, bottom: 1

    offset.left -= $elem.width() * weigth point, 0.5, left: 0, right: 1
    offset.top -= $elem.height() * weigth point, 0.5, top: 0, bottom: 1
    offset.left += parseInt(x) || 0
    offset.top += parseInt(y) || 0
    # Update the position
        position: 'absolute'
        top: offset.top
        left: offset.left
# Find all elements with data-anchor
$('[data-anchor]').each -> anchor this
<!-- New Anchor HTML attribute by Vjeux
  data-anchor="[point], [relativeTo], [relativePoint], [x], [y]"      

Allowed Points:
     top left ,  top   , top right
         left , center , right
  bottom left , bottom , bottom right

Allowed Relative:
  Any jQuery CSS Selector
<div id="frame">Frame</div>

<!-- In order to put the sidebar centered at the right of the frame:
  Sidebar.left = Frame.right                                          -->
<div id="sidebar" data-anchor="left, #frame, right">Sidebar</div>

<!-- In order to put the chat at the top right of the screen:
Chat.topRight = HTML.topRight + {x: -10, y: 10}                       -->
<div id="chat" data-anchor="top right, html, top right, -10, 10">Chat</div>

#frame {
  width: 100px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: #333; 

#sidebar {
  width: 70px;
  height: 120px;
  background-color: red; 

#chat {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: blue; 

body {
  background-color: #111;   

div {
  color: #eee;
  font-family: Tahoma;
  font-size: 11px;
  text-align: center;  