Edit in JSFiddle

// Simple way to attach js code to the canvas is by using a function

function sketchProc(processing) {

    // Set number of flowers
    var count = 100;
    var w = 20; //wind
    var v = 2; //velocidad
    // Set maximum and minimum circle size
    var maxSize = 40;
    var minSize = 20;

    //The mouse is outside?
    var outside = false;

    // Build float array to store circle properties
    //5 for circle and 8 for the curve
    var e = new Array(count)
    //Posicion inicial
    var eo = new Array(count)

    // Set size of dot in circle center
    //float ds=2;
    //Create the flowers
    //ellipse(x, y, width, height)
    //curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
    //fill(value1, value2, value3)
    for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        e[j] = new Array(15);
        eo[j] = new Array(15);
        var xAux = processing.random(processing.width);
        var yAux = processing.random(processing.height);

        e[j][0] = xAux; // X circle
        e[j][1] = yAux; // Y circle       
        e[j][2] = processing.random(minSize, maxSize); // Radius
        eo[j][0] = xAux;
        eo[j][1] = yAux;
        e[j][3] = xAux; // X2 
        e[j][4] = (0 + (yAux / 3)); // Y2
        e[j][5] = xAux; // X1 
        e[j][6] = 0; // Y1 
        e[j][7] = xAux; // X4 
        e[j][8] = yAux; // Y4 
        e[j][9] = xAux; // X3 
        e[j][10] = (yAux - (yAux / 3)); // Y3 
        //eo No tiene mucho sentido ---             
        eo[j][7] = xAux; // X4 
        eo[j][8] = yAux; // Y4 
        eo[j][9] = xAux; // X3 
        eo[j][10] = (yAux - (yAux / 3)); // Y3 
        e[j][11] = processing.random(255); // Color
        e[j][12] = processing.random(255); // 
        e[j][13] = processing.random(255); //    
        e[j][14] = 60;
        eo[j][14] = 60;

    // Override draw function, by default it will be called 60 times per second
    processing.draw = function() {

        //  var maxHeight = processing.height;
        //Draw the flowers
        //ellipse(x, y, width, height)
        //curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
        //fill(value1, value2, value3)

        function drawFlower(j, position, lengthScale, weight) {
            processing.fill(e[j][11], e[j][12], e[j][13], e[j][14]-20);
            processing.ellipse(e[j][0], e[j][1], e[j][2]+5, e[j][2]+5);
            processing.fill(e[j][11], e[j][12], e[j][13], e[j][14]);
            processing.curve(e[j][3], e[j][4], e[j][5], e[j][6], e[j][7], e[j][8], e[j][9], e[j][10]);
            processing.ellipse(e[j][0], e[j][1], e[j][2], e[j][2]);

            //Por ahora , parche ---------------
            var i = j;
            if (processing.mouseX >= processing.width - 10 || processing.mouseX <= 10) outside = true;
            else //outside = false;
             if (processing.mouseY >= processing.height - 10 || processing.mouseY <= 10) outside = true;
            else outside = false;
            //Movimiento del raton 
            //  for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            //El raton esta cerca de la bola?
            if (processing.mouseX >= e[i][0] - (eo[i][2] + w) && processing.mouseX < e[i][0] + (w + eo[i][2]) && processing.mouseY >= e[i][1] - (eo[i][2] + w) && processing.mouseY < e[i][1] + (eo[i][2] + w) && !outside) {
                //Por que lado esta?
                if (processing.mouseX >= e[i][0]) {
                    //Esta por la derecha
                    e[i][0] = e[i][0] - v * 2;
                    e[i][7] = e[i][7] - v * 2;
                    e[i][9] = e[i][9] - v *2;//exp
                    e[i][14] = e[i][14] + v * 5;

                } else {
                    //Esta pro la izq
                    e[i][0] = e[i][0] + v * 2;
                    e[i][7] = e[i][7] + v * 2;
                      e[i][9] = e[i][9] + v *2;//exp
                    e[i][14] = e[i][14] + v * 5;
                  if (processing.mouseY >= e[i][1]) {
                    //Esta por debajo
                    e[i][2] = e[i][2] - v * 2;

                } else {
                    //Esta por arriba
                    e[i][2] = e[i][2] + v * 2;                   
            // } //fin for
            if (eo[j][0] > e[j][0]) {
                //Esta por la derecha
                e[j][0] = e[j][0] + v;
                e[j][7] = e[j][7] + v;
                e[i][9] = e[i][9] + v;//exp

            } else {
                if (eo[j][0] < e[j][0]) {
                    //Esta pro la izq
                    e[j][0] = e[j][0] - v;
                    e[j][7] = e[j][7] - v;
                    e[i][9] = e[i][9] - v;//exp
            //Restaurar Color
            if (eo[j][14] < e[j][14]) e[j][14] = e[j][14] - v;
            //Restaurar tamaƱo    
            if (eo[j][2] < e[j][2]) e[j][2] = e[j][2] - v; 
                if(eo[j][2] > e[j][2])
                e[j][2] = e[j][2] +v;

        // erase background
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
        drawFlower(i, 3, 3, 3);
        //processing.curve(5, 26, 5, 26, 73, 24, 73, 61);
        //processing.bezier(85, 20, 10, 10, 90, 90, 15, 80);


var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas1");
// attaching the sketchProc function to the canvas
var p = new Processing(canvas, sketchProc);
// p.exit(); to detach it
        <script src="processing.js"></script>
    <p><canvas id="canvas1" width="600" height="200"></canvas></p>
    <div style="height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden;"></div>