Edit in JSFiddle

var $searchesList = $('#searches-list');
var $form = $('#form');
var searches = window.localStorage.getItem('searches');

function buildSearchesList(searches, $searchesList, $form) {

   // Loops over each previous search to create a list shown to the user.
   // Each item of the list shown will display as a mnemonic name the
   // value of the main field, and a sublist containing all the fields
   // of the form displayed only when the user hovers or focuses on
   // the mnemonic name.
   // Every time the user clicks, or press ENTER or SPACE on an item
   // of the list, the form is autofilled using the selected set of values.
   for (var i = 0; i < searches.length; i++) {
      // Converts each item in the list retrieved from the local storage
      // into a JSON-parsable string and then convert it into its
      // equivalent object.
      var params = JSON.parse('{"' +
               .replace(/&/g, '","')
               .replace(/=/g, '":"')
               .replace(/\+/g, ' ')
         ) +

      // Creates the sublist containing all the fields of the form
      var text = '<dl>';
      for (var key in params) {
         text += '<dt>' + key + ':</dt><dd> ' + params[key] + '</dd>';
      text += '</dl>';

      // Adds the sublist to the main list and add the event handler
      // for the click and the keypress events
      (function(searchData) {
            $('<li tabindex="0">')
               .on('click keypress', function(event) {
                  if (
                     event.type !== 'keypress' ||
                     event.keyCode === 13 ||
                     event.keyCode === 32
                  ) {

searches = (searches === null) ? [] : JSON.parse(searches);
buildSearchesList(searches, $searchesList, $form);

$form.submit(function(event) {
   // The demo doesn't have a server page to which sending the request,
   // so this statement avoid the request

   // The last performed search is at the top of the list.
   // Besides, the demo avoid storing the same
   // search multiple times, so the code searches for duplicates and
   // removes them. Finally, the demo stores a maximum of 10 searches per user.
   var currentSearch = $(this).serialize();
   // Removes the duplicates
   for(var i = 1; i < searches.length; i++) {
      if (searches[0] === searches[i]) {
         searches.splice(i, 1);

   // Stores only the last 10 searches
   if (i === searches.length && searches.length > 10) {

   // Stores the new list into the local storage
   window.localStorage.setItem('searches', JSON.stringify(searches));

   buildSearchesList(searches, $searchesList, $form);
<div class="side">
   <h1>Test form</h1>
   <form name="form" id="form">
      <label for="search">This is the main search field:</label>
      <input type="search" name="search" id="search" />
      <label for="text">This a text field:</label>
      <input type="text" name="text" id="text" />
      <label for="email">This an email field:</label>
      <input type="email" name="email" id="email" />
      <label>This a set of checkbox:</label>
         <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="checkbox1" />
         <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="checkbox2" />
      <label>This a set of radio buttons:</label>
         <input type="radio" name="radio" value="radio1" checked />
         <input type="radio" name="radio" value="radio2" />
         <input type="radio" name="radio" value="radio3" />
      <label for="date">This a date field:</label>
      <input type="date" name="date" id="date" />

      <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

<div class="side">
   <h1>Previous searches</h1>
   <ol id="searches-list">
   max-width: 800px;
   margin: 0 auto;
   padding: 1em;
   font-size: 20px;

   display: block;

   display: inline;

   font-size: inherit;
   margin-bottom: 0.5em;

@media (min-width: 600px)
      display: inline-block;
      width: 49%;
      vertical-align: top;

   float: left;
   margin-right: 0.2em;

   cursor: pointer;

#searches-list > li:hover dl,
#searches-list > li:focus dl
   display: block;

#searches-list dl
   margin: 0;
   display: none;

External resources loaded into this fiddle: