Edit in JSFiddle

// Note: JavaScript computes angles in radians, while SVGs compute angles in degrees.

// Parameters

// Canvas dimensions
var width = 500;
var height = 500;

// Animation parameters
var startingAngle = 30;
var angleCycle = 90;
var animateLength = 1500; // Milliseconds.

// Shape paraeters
var count = 6;

// Parameters for shape 1: pie
var r = 50; // Radius of circle
var eyeR = 7.5; // Radius of 'eye'
var cx = 5; // Offset from center of pie
var cy = 20; // Offset from center of pie

// Parameters for shape 2: angle
var l = 60; // Length of triangle side.
var θ = Math.PI / 3; // Angle in radians

var SECRET = true;

// Derived values (do not change)

var exposedColor = SECRET? "#FFEE00" : "#000000"; // #F4EC30?

var centerX = width / 2;
var centerY = height / 2;
var radius = Math.min(centerX, centerY) / 2;

var polySides = count / 2; // Requires count be even.
var innerAngle = 2 * Math.PI / polySides;
var halfInnerAngle = innerAngle / 2;

// Pie angle (slice) = value of inside angle.
// Sum of inside angles = 180 + 180(n - 3) = 180(n - 2)
// Value of one inside angle = 180(n - 2)/n = 180 - 360/n
// (Well, that in radians.)
var cθ = Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI / polySides;

// Angle offsets from edge of circle:
var dx = radius * (Math.cos(halfInnerAngle) - 1);
// = -(radius - Math.cos(halfInnerAngle) * radius);
var dy = 0; // Unused, but here for completeness.

// SVG elements

// Generates pie shape (without 'eye').
// Approximately looks like this:
-->)-- x
var pie = d3.svg.arc()
	.startAngle(cθ / 2 - Math.PI / 2)
	.endAngle(2 * Math.PI - cθ / 2 - Math.PI / 2) // 2 Pi needed to go around.

// Generates angle shape.
// Approximately looks like this:
| \
0 -- x
| /
var angle = function()
    // For some reason, using direct ratios creates less accurate angles,
    // so I'll be using trigonometry. 
    var point1 = [0, - Math.sin(θ / 2) * l];
    var point2 = [Math.cos(θ / 2) * l, 0];
    var point3 = [0, Math.sin(θ / 2) * l];
    var points = [point1, point2, point3];
        	e[0] = e[0] + dx;
        	e[1] = e[1] + dy;
        	e = e.join(" ");
    var path = "M" + points.join(" L");
    return path;
}(); // Self-executing anonymous function.

// Helper functions

// Eschew needless annoying string concatenation.
function translate(x, y)
	{return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")";}
function rotate(angle)
    {return "rotate(" + angle + ")";}
function rotateAroundPoint(angle, x, y)
	{return "rotate(" + angle + "," + x + ", " + y + ")";}

// Convert the index of an element to an angle on a circle.
function toRadians(i)
    var tau = 2 * Math.PI;
    var ratio = i / count;
    return tau * ratio;
function toDegrees(i)
    var degrees = 360;
    var ratio = i / count;
    return degrees * ratio;

// Determine the output X and Y coordinates relative to (0, 0) of its parent.
function getX(i)
	{return radius * Math.cos(toRadians(i));} // centerX
function getY(i)
	{return radius * Math.sin(toRadians(i));} // centerY
function getOppositeX(i)
	{return - radius * Math.cos(toRadians(i));} // centerX
function getOppositeY(i)
	{return - radius * Math.sin(toRadians(i));} // centerY

// Graphics generation

// Create a dummy array to 'store' each shape.
var data = new Array(count);
// Create the canvas to place our images.
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
	.attr("width", width)
	.attr("height", height)

// Create a group selection to center and rotate the shapes.
var all = svg.append("g")
	.attr("transform", translate(centerX, centerY));

// Creates a data join selection (this is the confusing part).
var join = all.selectAll("g").data(data);
// For every element that was passed into data(), we do the following things:
var gEnter = join.enter()
	// Create a sub-group and place it accordingly around the center.
	.attr("transform", function(d, i)
    		var t = translate(getX(i), getY(i));
    		var r = rotateAroundPoint(toDegrees(i), 0, 0);
    		return t + r;

// Create the shape corresponding to the group.
gEnter.each(function(d, i)
        var elem = d3.select(this);
        if (i % 2 === 0)
                .attr("d", angle)
                .attr("id", "angle")
                .attr("stroke", SECRET? "none" : "black")
				.attr("fill", SECRET? exposedColor : "none")
                .attr("d", pie)
                .attr("id", "pie")
                .attr("fill", exposedColor)
                .attr("r", eyeR)
            	.attr("id", "eye")
                .attr("cx", cx)
                .attr("cy", cy)

// Animation

// Animate the shapes, rotating the canvas as an offset of the previous animation.
function animateForward(prevAngle)
    // newAngle will overflow after a long time, but I don't think we should worry about that.
    var newAngle = prevAngle + angleCycle;
    // Rotate the entire image.
        .attr("transform", translate(centerX, centerY) + rotate(newAngle))
    	// Mutually recursive call to animateBackward
        .each("end", function(){animateBackward(newAngle);})
	// Move each shape to the opposite side of the circle.
        .attr("transform", function(d, i)
                var transforms = d3.transform(d3.select(this).attr("transform"));
                var t = translate(getOppositeX(i), getOppositeY(i));
                var r = rotateAroundPoint(transforms.rotate, 0, 0);
                return t + r;

function animateBackward(prevAngle)
    var newAngle = prevAngle + angleCycle;
    // Rotate the entire image.
        .attr("transform", translate(centerX, centerY) + rotate(newAngle))
    	// Mutually recursive call to animateForward
        .each("end", function(){animateForward(newAngle);})
	// Move each shape to the original side of the circle.
        .attr("transform", function(d, i)
                var transforms = d3.transform(d3.select(this).attr("transform"));
                var t = translate(getX(i), getY(i));
                var r = rotateAroundPoint(transforms.rotate, 0, 0);
                return t + r;

// Audio

loop = new SeamlessLoop(); // From the SeamlessLoop library.
loop.addUri("http://a.uguu.se/mgtczq.wav", 3000, "loop");

// Play

function start()
    if (SECRET)
    	{loop.start("loop");} // Start playing the audio loop.
    animateForward(startingAngle); // Run the animation at the same time.


// Interact

var recolor = function()
    	.attr("stroke", SECRET? "none" : "black")
		.attr("fill", SECRET? exposedColor : "none")
		.attr("fill", exposedColor)
var reloop = function()
    if (SECRET)
var toggleSecret = function()
    exposedColor = SECRET? "#FFEE00" : "#000000";

svg.on("click", toggleSecret);